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 Developing & Utilising CAE Capability

Since the mid 80's the ability to predict the performance of structures (and hence machines) was greatly increased when finite element analysis became accessible to small companies.  During the 90's my businesses facilitated this capability into hundreds of companies.

Using advanced software applications by MSC, Altair, HKS and Livermore Labs we simulated a huge range of vehicles, structures and made test result predictions.  Enabling better design decisions to be made and reducing drastically the time from concept to delivery of the product.

As the adoption of FE modelling, FE analysis and other simulation techniques spread it was necessary to reinvent ourselves.  We now provide bespoke engineering services aimed at improving the effectiveness of CAE.  This is most typically in SME although we are proud to have implemented analytical procedures, methods and tools into larger companies as well.

The next challenge is to fully deploy AI based (aka knowledge based engineering) techniques. The approach we adopt greatly reduces the reliance on large stress teams as it automates previously labour intensive tasks.

In the Aerospace field this generates massive savings in preparation and checking phases of the work. 

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